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Summer games cause surge in health care costs: Safety tips from a local physical therapist

Inside Pappas OPT Physical Therapy, where people are playing a game of cornhole, one activity that many people are getting injured from. (WJAR)

Millions and millions of health care dollars are spent each summer on injuries.

Many are high intensity sports-related.

But some, are from activities done everyday.

“Corn hole’s a big activity in the summer and people are really getting in to it now,” said Ian Nanning, a physical therapist.

Just toss a bean bag in to a hole about 30 feet away.

What could go wrong?

“A lot of shoulder injuries, lot of people tripping in the yard,” said Nanning.

Then there’s pickleball. Not an expensive game to play, but one that can cost you in other ways.

“I’ve read that the estimated cost of medical expenses that go in to it are anywhere from 250 to 500 million this year,” said Nanning.

So, how do you avoid injuries?

“Keep yourself stretched, keep yourself strong, do preventative work before you hurt yourself,” said Nanning.

Its recommended to stretch or exercise before pickleball or tennis.

Gardening, too, can land you in therapy.

“People are gardening, they’re reaching down toward the ground and when they’re coming up that’s when they’re having problems,” said Nanning.

According to Nanning, a padded gardening stool is a good idea.

Women stretching before exercising to help prevent common injuries. (WJAR)

“This way you can work on things and then it’s much easier to get up,” said Nanning.

Got shoulder pain after gardening or playing cornhole or pickleball?

Grab a weight or a can of vegetables.

“Just relax your arm and let it swing,” said Nanning.

And keep this in mind:

“If you hurt yourself, have it checked out before problems arise down the road when you notice that things aren’t going away one, two, three weeks after you hurt yourself. Get it checked out by a professional,” said Nanning.

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